BW Armee im Einsatz


                   Die Bundeswehr eine Armee im Einsatz

As in the Operation in KFOR , ISAF, EUFOR, and in many other conflict zones, die Bundeswehr has been not only a unique components of UN Peacekeeping Forces, the EU Military deployments, the NATO Operational Forces,  Brigadegeneral Gert-Johannes Hagemann instructing (M) the patrolling Unit in the KFOR Mission 2015 BW






in the EU Naval Operations in the Oceans and the Seas,

on the Air   Der RECCE-Tornado Luftwaffe

and in the Lands…..,

but prominently the main crucial acting partner in solving most International conflicts in the various Regions and Continents. 

A Role highly imperative that has been already recognized in the International setting. Yet needs to be noch weiter loben  and celebrated with honour and the highest esteem at home…… Deutschland.



View our recent published articles on the Bundeswehr ‘s Global engagements  



September 2016

U.S-European Armed-Forces fortifying their Capabilities-2

U.S-European Armed-Forces in Exercise Swift Response 16



August 2016

US-European Armed-Forces fortifying their Capabilities-1

Die Bundeswehr in Operation Atalanta-10

Die Bundeswehr in Operation Atalanta-9

Die Bundeswehr’s Mission in MINUSMA

The Bundeswehr’s Mission in KFOR

Die Bundeswehr’s Special Forces on the Air Operations



July 2016

In Remembrance of Wehrmacht Coup in Berlin July 20, 1944

Die Bundeswehr in Operation Atalanta-8



June 2016

Die Bundeswehr in Operation Atalanta -7

NATO Exercise BALTOPS  2016

NATO Multinational Exercise BALTOPS  2016

German Navy places a new measure in European Defence front

Interview with the Force Commander in Operation ATALANTA

NATO Secretary General met with Bundeskanzlerin Merkel

Die Bundeswehr in the Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2016 -2

Die Bundeswehr won the Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2016 – 1



April 2016

Interview with the Operation Commander of the European Naval Force in Somalia

Die Bundeswehr in Operation Atalanta-6

Die Bundeswehr in Operation Atalanta-5

U.S-European Armed-Forces deepening in Norwegian icy water in joint NATO Cold Response 16

Standing NATO Maritime Group-1 is positioned for ‘COLD RESPONSE 16’



February 2016

The Commander of U.S. Army Europe has been awarded the Bundeswehr’s Golden Cross of Honor



December  2015

U.S. Defense Secretary Carter visited the Bundeswehr’s Troop and Charles de Gaulle

Deutsche Marine in Operation Atalanta



November 2015

Die Bundeswehr in NATO Exercise

The German Armed-Forces Day




October 2015




Die Bundeswehr winner of the European Best Squad competition

German-American Friendship day in US Army Europe




September 2015

General von Steuben Day in the United States



August 2015

Strong Europe, German-US Military partnerships

German-American Military partnerships

German-American Military Partnerships-2



From November 2015  back to our starting date in  February 2013  all our published Articles are about the Bundeswehr’s Deployments and Leadership in the World.  To  view them please see our archives by clicking on each months.





February 2013

Die Bundeswehr in Afghanistan

                      image.D.1die Luftwaffe Aufklärungs-Tornados nach Masar-i Scharif. © die Bundeswehr   


Since 2001 Germany has been an essential partner in NATO operation and will continue its support to NATO and the International coalition in the region, beyond 2014.
With the exit strategy in 2014, the NATO mission in Afghanistan from 2015 will be reduced to about 12000 Military and civilian personnel, combining all forces from most Member states.

The recent announcement by die Bundeswehr projects Germany commitment to NATO mission after 2014 in Afghanistan, and the security of the region. With that Deutschland from 2015, for period of two years, will continue its engagements in Afghanistan as an Advisory and the supportive Force for NATO and the U.S.

                      image4Minister of Defense Dr. Thomas de Maizière and  Brigadegeneral Dirk Backen in Afghanistan/ 2011  ©die Bundeswehr

Although the final decision on Germany continuation mission will be made officially public in later time, however as of recent Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland has announced its plan and position to continue its support to NATO mission as the part of NATO member and the International troops by providing between 600-800 German Military personnel.

Their active engagements however will be mostly in Kabul and simultaneously Northern part of Afghanistan.

A side from Military operations Germany has been playing a crucial role since 2001 in civilian section and in allocation of financial aid by Foreign office to Security and development of Afghanistan.
For development programmes in Afghanistan Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland has been providing over 430 million euros per year, thus far the third largest financial donor.

A brief glance at Germany’s contributions to Afghanistan

1. With 5,350 troops die Bundeswehr is, until 2014, the third largest contributor to NATO mission.

2. Germany is also the largest contributors for Law-Enforcement and Security Training.

3. It is also the third largest financial aid donor. It has thus far provided 1.6 billion and pledged of 2.8 billion for year 2013. This amount has been part of bilateral from Germany.

4. In addition to bilateral Deutschland has been contributing 20 percent to the EU assistance to Afghanistan: a total of over $2.5 billion euros.

5. Deutschland’s role in Afghanistan with the contribution of approximately 100,000 Military and Civilians personnel has been not limited only to Military front but also to:

A. Reconstruction of Northern part of Afghanistan;
B. Capacity building in Air Transportation;
C. Capacity Building in Reconnaissance and Communication in the entire country.

             imageB.1Der Bundeswehrsoldaten in Afghanistan.  ©die Bundeswehr/Steffen Maluche)

From 2015 die Bundeswehr will be in charge of all Training and advisory as well as providing support to NATO in various parts of Afghanistan. Yet to become the largest Troops provider along with UK and France, next to the United States.   A dream that U.S sought, so impatiently and for so long, to have die Deutsche Soldaten only next to itself , in every battle and in every frontier.



January 2010

The Role of Germany and its Armed- Forces in Afghanistan

Germany in NATO and ISAF

BM zu Guttenberg empfŠngt General Petraeus

Minister Dr. Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg and General Petraeus, November 2010 ©die Bundeswehr/Bienert


In the Post-Globalised era the NATO Military Operation (M.O) embodies an altered concept; with the change in the pillars of its action, the modern Military Operation has become yet the antithesis to its origin. As of recent époque, alike to Mission in Kosovo the NATO-led Intervention in Afghanistan is notably an illustrated archetype of this Post-Globalised approach.

With the new constitutional framework at the heart of NATO policy in Afghanistan, albeit the Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) at the first stage was initiated with primary objective to topple the Taliban regime, as early as 2002 the entire engagement metamorphosized itself to a new form of existence.

In principle, the German Armed-Forces with NATO are merely acting to foster security for the local people and implement Humanitarian Projects. Their main tasks concentrate on helping Afghanistan to reconstruct the Physical and Cultural aspects of its territory.

The Operation in Afghanistan is designed, not to take over, but to empower the Afghan people. On early December 2009 with the approval of parliament the German Armed Forces have been scheduled for yet another year Mandate.

       Germany in ISAF 2010

Minister Dr. Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg visiting  Bundeswehr in ISAF Afghanistan 2010  ©

With this extension Germany is going to further fulfill its International responsibilities and will continue to contribute its uniformed personnel, civilians, and financial aid for consolidating peace, security and rebuilding the region. Providing 4500 troops on the ground the role of the German Armed Forces remain to be ultimately prerequisite for preventing civil conflicts in the region and Social Development of Afghanistan.

Therein as a part of the International Security Assistance Forces(ISAF), German Personnel from Armed Forces, Police Trainers, Diplomats, Civilians, are the quintessential components of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

Their tasks centers on assisting the Afghan people in the road to recovery from years of afflictive war and the protracted civil conflicts.

In terms of Financial Aid, Germany the second largest donor after the United States, has hitherto contributed the amount of 1.2 billion euros to Afghanistan for Humanitarian Aid and stabilization of the country. 
Additionally Deutschland has introduced and implemented a series of measures, all of which in fusion, intended to accelerate the process of rebuilding Afghanistan and preparing it for the Self-Sustaining Security.


A Glimpse to The Highlighted Programmes:

 —–Debt Relief Initiative 
Up to 2010 Germany has cancelled 65.million euros in Afghanistan debt as a measure to help the Development of the country. It has also announced the cancellation of Afghanistan’s entire debt in the coming year.

—–Preserving the Cultural and Historical Heritage As for Cultural restoration and preserving the Historical Heritage of Afghanistan, from 2000 to 2007 Germany has provided the amount of 3.6 million euros 
as a step to assist the country.

—–Helping Afghanistan to achieve the Self-Sustaining Security For accelerating the Self-Sustaining Security process.  Since 2002 Germany has been in charge of training the Afghan Police force. Although from June 2007 the Mandate changed to European Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL) Germany continues to have the leading role in this project, with 120 Police Officers in the region. This number is expected to be increased by mid-2010.

Coordinated with this project, the Federal Government has made available the amount of 35.7 million euros for 2008 and the same amount was allocated in 2009 for the Police Capacity building in the region.

—–In northern Afghanistan, mostly in Kunduz province, Feyzabad and Mazar-e-Sharif Germany is in charge of the region’s development. Prior to 2010 it has created and financed over thirteen Macro-Prgrammes for community and the regional advancement.

 The Actualized Programmes are:

A- Development Oriented Emergency and Transitional Aid Programme in Afghanistan:

1 – Water supply in Kundunz Province

The project commenced in 2005 and was completed in 2006 provided funds: 355,000 euros

2- Road Reconstruction in Takhar Province

From 2006~ on going provided funds: 170.000 euros

3- Provincial Development Fund in Northeast Afghanistan

From 2006~ on going

Provided funds: 4,725,908 euros

4- District Development Fund in Takhar Province

From 2006~ on going

Provided funds: 255,000 euros

5- Road Reconstruction in Takhar Province

From 2007 to 2008

Provided funds: 130,000 euros

6- Emergency Aid for Northern Provinces in 2008

From June to December 2008

Provided funds: 3,1 million euros

7- Capacity Development for Community Development Council in Northeast Afghanistan

From 2008~ on going

Provided funds: 90,000 euros

 B- Renewable Energy programme for the Electricity Supply to Rural Areas:

1- Rehabilitation of Khanabad, Kishim and Faizabad Power Station

From 2007 to be completed in 2012

Provided funds: 9,7 million euros

C- Northern Economic Infrastructure Development:

2- Reconstruction of Economic Infrastructure in Northern Afghanistan

From 2008 to be completed in 2010

Provided funds: 10 million euros

D- Reconstruction of Balkh Provincial Hospital:

3- Reconstruction of a new Hospital in Mazar-e-Sharif

From 2008 to be completed in 2011

Provided funds: 12 million euros

E- Improvement of water Supply in Afghanistan:

4- Improvement of Urban water supply in Kunduz and

Northern Area.

From 2008 to be completed in 2018

Provided funds: 6.4 million euros

 F- Educational Development Aid:

5- Dormitory for the Teacher training Centre in Mazar-e-Sharif From 2009 to be completed in 2010

Provided funds: 1,2 million euro

G- Economic Infrastructure in Afghanistan:

6- Rehabilitation of Mazar-e-Sharif International Airport

From 2009 to be completed in 2011

Provided funds: 35 million euros

With the aim of implanting security and peace, helping the Afghan people to ensconce themselves in the newly established Democratic structure and build a prosperous future, Germany has neither limited its financial contribution to the time nor to the above highlighted programmes.

As the situation requires, its substantial Aid to Afghanistan seems to be an ongoing process in the coming years.

The Additional Humanitarian Funds were Also Provided as Dated Below:

 __On the 22nd December 2009, the total amount of USD 270,000 made available for the reconstruction of Farkhar in northern part of Afghanistan.

__On 17th December 2009, with another influx of 13.4 million euros, the Federal Government of Germany brought the previous amount to the total of 40.million euros for improving the Civil Aviation System and Air Traffic in Afghanistan.

__On 29th October 2009, 2 million euros was allocated as an Educational Aid for creating a new Teacher Training College in Badakhshan Province.

As of today there are more than 14 Intra-Governmental and Supra-National Organizations of Germany added with over 16 National Humanitarian Aid and Educational Corps that are working together to facilitate stability in the region, help Afghanistan to achieve political and social transformation, and became part of the World Society.

Germany’s Main Humanitarian Organizations in Afghanistan: 

 –The German Red Cross

–The Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk (The Federal Agency for Technical Relief )

–Deutsche Welthungerhilfe

–German Mission in  UNICEF

–Deutsch-Afghanische Initiative (German-Afghan Initiative)

–The Bundeswehr Children’s Fund

–Lachen helfen Org

–Organisation for Mine Clearance and Afghan Rehabilitation (OMAR)

–Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (The German Relief Agency for Technical Cooperation)

–KfW Entwicklungsbank in Afghanistan

–Der Deutsche Entwicklungsdienst(DED)the German Development Service in Afghanistan

–The German Bureau of UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Afghanistan

–The Goethe-Institute in Afghanistan

–The Friedrich Ebert Foundation

–The Konrad Adenauer Foundation

–The Heinrich Böll Foundation

These are the programmes and Aid provided by Germany. Simultaneously there are 27 European countries on board, added to, the large amount of U.S contributions to the region.

The statistic report shows that by now more than 85% of the population have access to Schools, Hospitals, Roads and to Community Facilities. 2/3 of the male and half of the female population are attending schools.

The Afghan people, for the first time in their history can learn about their Rights, experience Freedom and have access to education. From a severely war-torn country, Afghanistan is on the way to emerge as a stable and secure society. In all these achievements thus far, and those to be materialized yet in 2010, the role of Germany has been pivotal. 

Deutschland with its Armed-Forces, the Federal and Civilian Corps, not only saved Europe and the region from the Al-Qaeda threats but also helped Afghanistan to move towards a lawful, civil and democratic system. 

In accordance with the Humanitarian law, the Mission in Afghanistan is a Humanitarian Intervention, the Rescue Effort.

It projects the Triumph of Liberty over Tyranny; The Reviving of Humanity.

 It is with this Political Ideal in the centre of its foreign policy that Germany with its Bundeswehr embraces the global role and exert with full capacity to create a secure and peaceful World for all; the success of which will be, partly, determined by its ascendancy and achievements in Afghanistan.


By Catherine Stella Schmidt 2010

This article (The Role of Germany and its Armed-Forces in Afghanistan: Germany in NATO and ISAF) was originally published in Europe’s World and Atlantic Community in 2010.  * Copy righted material







 Acknowledgments of the two Images on the top of the page:

Image 1:  Brigadegeneral Gert-Johannes Hagemann  (center) instructing the patrolling team in the KFOR Mission. July 14, 2015 © die Bundeswehr/Claudia Seidenschwanz

Image 2: Der RECCE-Tornado © Luftwaffe






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